Factors for Domain Appraisals
Your domain name will be appraised based on the following factors:
- Marketability
- Clarity
- Memorability
- Popularity
- Extension
- Length
- Words
- Hyphens
- Numerals
- Substitutions
- Abbreviations
Viewing Appraisals in the Domain Manager
You can view the results of your domain name appraisals in the Domain Manager.
We complete appraisals within a few moments. The Appraisals page displays the results, which include the domain names, their appraisal dates, ranges for their estimated values, and links to printable certificates.
NOTE: The results of appraisals you request on our website do not display in the Domain Manager. For more information, see Requesting Domain Name Appraisals.
To View Appraisals in the Domain Manager
- Log in to your Account Manager.
- Next to Domains, click Launch.
- From the Buy/Sell menu, select Appraisals. The Appraisals page displays a list of the appraisals you’ve requested.
- Do any of the following:
- To view an appraisal certificate — In the domain name’s Certificate column, click View.
- To print an appraisal certificate — In the domain name’s Certificate column, click View, and then click Print certificate.
- To change the display order — Click a column header. For example, to sort the list alphabetically by domain name, click the Domain Name column header.