
How Do Search Engines See the Web

Search engines have developed a lot of sophisticated techniques for weighting and valuing pages on the Web. But they all come down to basically two categories: What does your Web page say?The actual text content of your Web page and HTML code. What content does your site convey to the user? Who is linking to you?What sort of other Web pages are linking to yours? Do they have the same topic or a related topic? Content When you look at a Web page, you see the page displayed on your computer screen. You can read the text, look at the…

What’s the difference between robots.txt and Meta Tags?

There are several types of Meta Tags, including Title, Description, Keywords. You place Meta Tags in the “head” section of your Web pages HTML to provide information that helps control robots and crawlers searching your website. The information in Meta Tags is not viewable by site visitors unless they view the page’s source. A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files the crawler can or can’t request from your site. This is used mainly to avoid overloading your site with requests; it is not a mechanism for keeping a web page out of Google. To keep a web page out of…

Best Opensource Wiki Apps for Website & their Features

A wiki is a hypertext publication collaboratively edited and managed by its own audience directly using a web browser. A typical wiki contains multiple pages for the subjects or scope of the project and may be either open to the public or limited to use within an organization for maintaining its internal knowledge base. Wikis are enabled by wiki software, otherwise known as wiki engines. A wiki engine, being a form of a content management system, differs from other web-based systems such as blog software, in that the content is created without any defined owner or leader, and wikis have…

What are keywords and why do I need them?

Search engines use keywords when they include your website in their search results. Keywords can make or break your search engine ranking. Adding keywords to the content of your website can improve its ranking, but overusing them can cause your site to be banned for spamming. When identifying keywords, select words and phrases in the content of your website that someone is most likely to use when searching for your online business or website. Video – Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking Each of your Web pages should have keywords that include phrases found throughout…

Will my website be ranked high in search engines if I use Search Engine Visibility?

Search Engine Visibility does not guarantee search engine listings or higher rankings. Search Engine Visibility also cannot provide any exact timeline for the fruition of your search engine optimization efforts. Because competition can be fierce, and search engines use proprietary ranking algorithms, there is no guarantee that your URL will attain a high rank with a particular search engine. The ultimate decision lies entirely with the search engine. But, search engines do reward sites that are optimized, well-composed, and feature unique and/or meaningful content. That’s where Search Engine Visibility comes in handy. You can use Search Engine Visibility’s SEO Checklist…