.se – country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Sweden (Sverige)
.SE is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Sweden (Sverige).
The .se country-code top-level domain name (ccTLD) is an extension that represents Sweden. For companies that conduct business in Sweden and individuals who want to reach the growing number of Internet users there, these domain names are a good investment. Registering these domain names gives you regional recognition and an easy-to-manage Web presence.
The top domain is operated by .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation), but domains must be registered through one of the approved registrars. .SE is a foundation and is managed on the basis of its charter of foundation and its statutes. The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors, whose decisions are executed by the executive management.
Since å,ä,ö were not available for technical reasons, organisations could register the name with a and o instead if available, sometimes causing trouble. The Habo and Håbo municipalities had a legal battle about the name habo.se which Håbo won since they registered first.
Many Swedish domains were reserved for English words that end with “se”. As of today, there are practically no such domain names left available on the domain prime market as the result of the domain name speculation. Most of them can be bought on the domain secondary market. Only few domains got developed. Some known examples of the Swedish domain hacks are:
- Sweden.Of-Cour.se! blog
- Surpri.se